
Passive Cabling

A passive network is a type of computer network in which each node works on a predefined function or process. Passive networks don’t execute any specialized code or instruction at any node and don’t change their behavior dynamically. Typically, this behavior is related to each network router node.

It requires that the entire network infrastructure be predesigned and configured prior to operation. When a packet passes through a network node in a passive network, that node only performs those actions configured within it.

The router cannot execute or process any code passed within the packet data. The passive nature of the router is related to its routing tables or entries, which are only updated manually by the administrator or through neighboring routers.

Passive Network Device: The passive monitoring ports provide a fixed configuration. Traffic received from either side of the network link is copied to a corresponding monitoring port. Transparency to network speeds offers high flexibility to intercept traffic at 1Gbps, 10Gbps, 25Gbps, 40Gbps, 50Gbps, 100Gbps and 400Gbps traversing communication protocols.

In case of a power failure and the device cease active operation, the traffic flow as well as the visibility on the ports is maintained providing full visibility in all circumstances.

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